
蘆洲李宅園區擁有的深度文史故事、建築藝術,值得我們珍惜、 欣賞、學習。為使古蹟妥善保存維護,讓我們互相遵守以下約定:


■ 園區內車輛禁入,嬰兒車及輪椅除外
■ 參觀時輕聲細語,請不要帶寵物入園,除導盲犬外
■ 禁止聚賭(含各類賭博性遊戲)及飲用含酒精性飲品
■ 塑像、桌椅、展示物件及圍欄請勿攀爬及跨越
■ 嚴禁煙火及吸菸
■ 辦公區域及非開放參觀空間及時間,請勿擅自進入
■ 為避免意外傷害發生,請遵從工作人員之說明及勸導。

* 以上不適用參加古禮收涎‧古禮抓周‧文昌開筆禮


Opening hours:
09:00am~05:00pm Ticket sales closed at 04:30pm Closed on Mondays, the Chinese New Year’s Eve and the Chinese New Year

■ To keep the historic site safe and clean, please do not smoke, litter and drink
■ Slow down your pace to appreciate the historic site. Please do not run or make noises.
■ No pets and animals are allowed. Guide dogs are exceptional.
■ No vehicles are allowed. Baby carriage and vehicle for physical disabilities are exceptional.
■ Please follow guidance from the staffs.